Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Chapters

Thanks to some recent events, I will have my books back soon which makes me very happy. You can read more about it and my encounter with some beautiful old books here. Along with that and the term starting two days from now, I should be reading, at least a little bit, again which will inspire me to write and tell people what I think about books and the things they say. I miss the connection and inspiration I get from reading regularly, although part of it is my own fault for choosing to do other things with my time. Cheers to getting the contents of my office back soon though!


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Cinema's Anonymous (2011) leads me to Anonymous Shake-Speare: The Man Behind by Kurt Kreiler

Anonymous Poster

Anonymous was a very good movie that I have been wanting to see ever since I saw its very first trailer. It was so full of history, and of course, the art of writing. Anonymous painstakingly showed us the beautiful yet mighty and fear deserving power of words. Too often we abuse words, offer them up for situations far less fierce than your choice of words would imply. We take them for granted while we speak, write, type, text and sometimes even when we think. These are some of the things I thought of when the character Edward De Vere spoke about the power of words, him and Johnson both having such reverence for their truth and creation that neither would betray them. It was nice to see a movie that speaks to the artist in me =]

I definitely plan on acquiring and reading the book that the movie was based on. I'll most likely write a pretty inspired review and or movie comparison as well. Watching movies is not usually how I browse for a good book to read, but I'm glad this one fell in my lap, so to speak. 


Saturday, January 7, 2012

The thing about movies...

..Is that they are just never as good as the book. While some people say they are more visual [what creative language and reasoning you have.. of course its visual. Hearing people say this kind of makes me want to roll my eyes very noticeably] I think that you get so much more information, detail, and depth as well as an overall understanding of the characters and events while reading. And at least for me, as I read it plays like a movie in my mind anyways.

The reason I bring this up is because I recently started reading Water for Elephants, very small bits at a time because I can't seem to really find the time, and then saw the movie. I didn't watch the whole movie, but the beginnings itself was much different than the beginning of the book. Some of the actions and dialogue were also drastically changed. Sometimes this upsets me, but at the same time it just inspired me even more to finish the book.
